Benefits of ACE Membership

Get a membership that makes a difference

  • Get listed in the member directory

    Become part of the ACE member directory and get full access to connect with other professionals, suppliers, supporters and more.

  • Post job opportunities*

    You can post your own opportunities for your business and find future coworkers from some of Edmonton’s best.
    *This is only available to professional members

  • Make connections*

    You’ll get to know other ACE members and have opportunities to connect through events, sessions, volunteer opportunities and more. We’re a fun crowd, we can attest to that.
    *You might even make a few friends along the way

  • Get first access to opportunities

    Become part of the ACE member directory and get full access to connect with other professionals, suppliers, supporters and more.

  • Post a freelance profile

    As a professional member, you can create your own freelancer profile to seek out new work and connections.

  • Reduced rates and discounts

    Once you become an ACE member, you’ll receive a discounted rate to renew! On top of that, you’ll get discount to attend some of our biggest events, like the ACE Awards, our Christmas Party, and many professional development sessions.

Join the Club today

ACE members enjoy exclusive perks and benefits while creating opportunities for a more connected, accessible and collaborative space for current and emerging industry members.

Have questions before joining?
Get in touch using the email address below.

Professional Membership

As a professional member of ACE, you will get all the perks and benefits membership offers. Get access to view and post career opportunities. Connect with our large network of professionals and service providers. You’ll also receive special member rates on sessions and events. 

New member

$100 (plus GST)

Annual Renewal Rate

$80 (plus GST)