Devon Bortscher : The Advertising Club of Edmonton

About Me

I am the founder of SAVIAN (an Edmonton-based branding, web design/dev, and animation studio) and Violet Games (a video game development studio). I have a passion for all things design, something I have absolutely no talent in (unless you count crude pencil sketches and napkin doodles). Instead, I strategize and lead amazing people - who specialize in what they do.

Qualifications, Specialization or Skills

Individually, I'm just a mote. But collectively, we, at SAVIAN, produce fantastic UX/UI designs, story-driven animated stories, and websites so clean, you can eat off them. And if you do, please send a video of you doing so, because we really want to see how that would work. We’re not just creators; we’re creators on a mission, like astronauts but with better office snacks. We’re all about inspiration, imagination, and that special sauce that makes you go, “Man, I wish I’d thought of that!” 2D Animation Pros? Most definitely! Robust/Complex Websites? All-day, every day! Branding? Yes, we've got the secret sauce here. Graphic design? Of course, even while we sleep!

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